Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NY State of Mindfulness

Here in NY, we are witness to the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, continuing to watch the drama unfold.

There are long lines for gas, many folks are still in the dark,others have watched their homes slip
into the sea, temperatures are dropping and tempers are rising.  
Everyone handles stress in ways that are unique to them.  There are those that have a deep need to help others, so they organize food and supply drives.  Others stay rooted to their own homes, nesting and cleaning long forgotten closets.  Some are panicking and are engaging in mind-numbing activities like being glued to a working TV, listening to the news constantly, overeating, or drinking more alcohol more than usual. Then there are those that are in need of comfort and those that have a need to comfort. Still others rally around in their own communities and have social gatherings akin to a summertime block party without the warmth.

This is an amazing time we are in.  We get to witness our own reactions to adversity in ways many have never even thought of.  By allowing the full range of feelings that may surface; fears and anger, gratefulness and appreciation, panic, guilt, agitation, disgust, or even relief-  we can flow through the wave of emotions with an acceptance, rather than a fighting of what is.  

Let this serve as a reminder to celebrate the day. The light is more precious to those who have been in the dark. Kindness is more precious when so many are acting out. Having a roof over your head is more precious when so many have none. 
Allow yourself to feel all the emotions that may come up during these times, but don't let them swallow you. Everyone handles difficult times in different ways. 
Take time today to appreciate all that you have! 
By coming together,we can help to rebuild.
 ~namaste,  cathy~

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