Dear Mind:
I know you are busy, but please take a
moment. It’s important.
You are always thinking, busy, busy, busy,
always doing, ruminating,
Planning, organizing, and you are trying to do
it all alone! Although I can appreciate your functions and practicality,
sometimes it is too much to bear!
Well, I would like to introduce to you to a wonderful
partner. Meet your HEART. The heart will b a wonderful partner for you
in all of your decisions and help you through any painful situations as well as
appreciating the JOY that is within your life.
When you join with the Heart, you will learn
that every moment has a gift and this will help you flow with more Grace . Spend at least 10 minutes a day sitting with
the energy of your heart. Get to know
it deeply.
While this may sound tough, MIND; I know that
you will be much happier and calmer with the new partnership.
Happy Merging!
Love and peace, Your Higher Self