Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dust Off Your Dreams

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”  ~Albert Einstein

Dust off your Dreams!

What would your life be like if you were to allow yourself to bring up some of  your old  dreams, dust them off and let them tickle you again?  How would it feel if you could tap back into your intuitive mind and remember what it feels like to live from your heart?
We have all heard that we have the answers within, but how many of us actually believe that?  We all look to gurus, read lots of books, ask others- then heave a heavy sigh and give up or put our dreams on hold. 
Where are you in this very moment?  Are you content with your life?  Are you feeling joy and calm?  OR, are you feeling restless- like you’ve been through the mill and are just going through the motions of everyday life?  What is in you that has been dormant for so long that has been muted or even silenced? 
The world needs you now and the gifts you have to bring forth.  If you doubt this, just think of how it would feel to do what you truly desire- letting go of all fear?  Can you imagine how freeing this can be?  What if the only thing you really want is to live a simple and peaceful life- and learn how to flow through challenges with ease? 
Where do you find your groove?  If you tap in for a moment into the rhythm of the earth, you can feel the steady beat- and the life force energy of this planet.  We are all part of this beat, and can feel an amazing connection when we tune in.
It is said that the most precious gift is this moment- and it is your choice of how to receive this gift.  What a luxury it is to savor this moment and embrace an intuitive mind!  Bring forth all of you and dance in joy and freedom…you’ll be more connected to the rational mind and know it indeed has its place.  By sitting in silence for 20 minutes a day, you will reconnect with your intuition and have direct access to your answers.  The rational mind will balk- but tell it to take a back seat and watch what happens.  Let us continue to create the new earth by honoring all our intuitive gifts!

In Joy,

catherine epstein, graduate gemologist, reiki master, certified life coach
316 sea cliff ave
sea cliff ny  11579
516 759 1217