Sunday, August 19, 2012

"When you discover the wonder of giving, you will wonder how you could have lived so long in any other way."
-Norman Vincent Peale
What an amazing thing it is to give a gift from the heart.  When we give from this place, we ride the continuous flow of energy and feel it flowing back to us.   Scientific studies have shown that one of the fastest ways to heal your heart is to be of service to others.  And, being of service comes in many forms.  We can be of service financially, by donating to worthwhile causes.  We can be of service by listening to a friend in need.  We can be in service while praying, creating, donating time, and countless other ways.  We can also be of service by showing others how we appreciate them by passing along a touchstone or reminder for them to carry.  One great way to show appreciation and gratitude for another is to give them a Gratitude Rock.  A Gratitude Rock is a randomly chosen crystal that has energetic properties.  Conveniently packaged, a Gratitude Rock comes with a card explaining the individual properties and another card explaining the pay-it-forward meaning.
The energy of the abundance of the universe stands behind the concept of Gratitude Rocks and helps to remind you to be in flow with all of life.  The premise is simple. Throughout your day, show your appreciation to someone by giving a Gratitude Rock.  Tell them you are grateful for them and the stone is intended to be a show of appreciation.  Know that if you receive a stone, set your intention that it will serve as a reminder to stay very mindful throughout the day.  This includes speaking kindly, staying authentic, and being in the present moment.
 While Gratitude Rocks is not a new idea, it helps one tap into the flow of giving.  Gratitude Rocks- is a pay-it-forward concept.  It is based on the idea of appreciation and acknowledging others for touching our lives in some way.  When we express our appreciation with something tangible, like a Gratitude ROCK, it is a reminder that honors the light in another person.
So many heart-warming stories are being reported and how amazing it is to watch the recipient’s face as he or she lights up.  And even more so when they read the property card that accompanies the stone.  The universe always gives us what we need in any moment and Gratitude Rocks is our validation.  From Yoga teachers, therapists, and other people who love the pay-it-forward idea- to people who give them as party favors or simply give them out to those they encounter during the day- people’s lives are being touched in a wonderful way. 
  Ride the flow of the energy of gratitude!  Enhance your life with a pouch of gems/crystals to share freely with those who touch your life.  This inspiring “pay it forward” idea helps to keep the energy flowing and will open your heart even further.    A great way to show your gratitude!  Together we can make the world a better place. ~ Namaste~

Available at OR, @ 316 Sea Cliff Ave, Sea Cliff NY  11579-
516 759 1217       ( in packages of 12 or 30, or custom quantities.)

Monday, August 6, 2012

‎"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

Getting to know YOU!

Are you living with a defended heart, too afraid to jump in the game?  What barriers to love have you built?  Where in your life do you prevent yourself from fully living?  Do you fear success, or failure, or is it just fear of getting hurt or being disappointed?  Many of us have said that “we are our own worst enemy. When we know how we sabotage ourselves, in whatever way is unique to us, it can be an eye-opening experience. There are some people who even fear the positive outcome.  How often have you felt in the back of your mind that if your plan succeeded, that you wouldn’t know how to handle it?  It might make you too busy, or too overwhelmed. Does fear of success ever get in your way?

Think of an image of a young child, with nose pressed to the glass- looking in at a wonderful party going on.  Everyone is dancing and laughing and having a great time.  The child feels a longing yet is too afraid to go inside.  How often do you find yourself in this situation- trying to hide behind a guise of “busy or busy-ness?”  Conversely, in a different image, picture a child on the inside.  It is a nice, cozy and comfortable space.  Nose pressed to the glass, the child is looking to the outside world.  It is nice and cozy inside, and outside, there is weather, and many unknowns.  It can be more dangerous yet exhilarating.  The child feels this sense of longing.
 Wants to take a chance, but the fear is too great. 
Are you sitting in the inside wanting to go out, or on the outside wanting to come in?
Which child do you see as yourself?

What would it feel like to live as the care-free child? Going in and out, with purpose and meaning- sharing the joy, and adventure, yet always returning to the home within
- a safe haven?

Sit down with yourself. And have a long chat.  Spend time thinking about your needs and values.  What is important to you and are you living in alignment with those values?  When you live more in alignment, and more from your heart- things will fall into place.  If you are skimming the surface of life and not digging deep into the core of truth, then you will know it- as it feels out of balance. 
Know that we are all different people at different times with different needs.  The purpose of this self-directed chat, is to get you to think in terms of "what's important in this moment" and it can be a great way to help you make decisions.  As when we are aligned with our values, it is easier to navigate through life.  When we are not aligned, it creates an imbalance- and we know it instantly.  

Your sole/soul purpose is to find and remove all barriers to love. When you remove the barriers that prevent you from feeling the truth of love and fully connecting with your own heart, the universe responds in joy! 
Remember this old adage
Don’t be so consumed with making a living that you forget to make a life.

In JOY~ cathy